Friday, October 26, 2007

Clean up the debris

No time to write, still mucking beast blood out of the saloon. If it tweren't for that marshall showin' up when he did (with his now useless bounty for Xavier burns for 2-bit hedge magic and illegal summoning), we would probably all be halfway to some nightmare plane by now. We were lucky he arrived and doubly lucky he had brought along a revealing charm and a pendant made from a rattlesnake rattle. Course, would of been luckier if he had brought a full cadre. Ah well, can't win 'em all.

And, for better or worse, Montana and the kid both survived. The kids off in the corner, sipping an old fashioned (heavy on the rye) and he looks ten years older. Guess we will have to stop calling him the kid. Montana left town a day after we had gotten everything sorted out. Said he had some things to check up on. I dunno where he gets off to, but he always stumbles back into town a week later. He always stumbles in here and drinks until he can't see the pink elephants anymore, if you understand my meaning. A few of the girls usually manage to take him up to his room afterwards. But no one knows where he has been. Don't fancy asking myself. In his youth, Montana was reputed to wrestle buffalo and win.

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